Thursday, December 31, 2015


My book is available on now! Praise God!!! :)

Click the link below to check it out. May it be of great blessings to you and your family. If you are a Bible study leader consider leading it to a small group. Praying it will be a blessing to you! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Where is Jesus? was my question in Cancun, Mexico, while we were vacationing there a couple of weeks ago. I saw this Nativity display at one of the hotels and noticed baby Jesus was missing. Then I saw another Nativity display at our own hotel and Jesus was missing there too. So I had to ask. I was told that in Mexico it's tradition to place baby Jesus until Christmas Eve and it is done reverently and with much love. Here in the United States and in my country of Nicaragua, the baby figure is set all together at once.

Jesus is the focal point of the Nativity at Christmas and of our present and future lives! Without Jesus there is no life. No forgiveness of sins, no eternal life, no fellowship with God.

Where is Jesus now? He sits at the right hand of God, interceding for us. Hebrews 7:24-25 says, "But because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood. Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them." For those of us who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, the One who is to come, He also lives in our hearts.

Where is Jesus? It is and will always be the most important question of your existence. You can receive Him right this very second. Invite Him to come into your heart. Ask Him to come to wash you clean, to fill you with His Holy Spirit, and to become your Lord and Savior. He wants a relationship with you. He loves you! He wants to spend eternity with you and to set you free from sin and bondage. That is why He came. Today, ask Jesus to come. To come into your heart.

Dear Jesus,

I believe by faith that You are the Son of God, that you came to save me from all my sins. Thank you for dying for me. I repent of all the wrong I've done and invite You to come into my heart to be my Lord and Savior. I receive your free gift of eternal life. Please help me to follow You all the days of my life. In Your name, I pray. Amen!

For more information about becoming a child of God forever, feel free to read my blogs titled, "The Best Christmas Present Ever!" and "Christmas...Why Jesus?"

Have a Merry & Blessed Christmas!!!

Here is one of my favorite YouTube videos during this Christmas Season...

Blessings :)

Saturday, November 28, 2015


Enjoying the last days of fall leaves. I love them so much because in Nicaragua, where I grew up, we do not have the four seasons. We have beautiful palms trees and tropical weather all year long. So fall colors are still breathtaking to see. 

Have a blessed Saturday and remember to breathe and savor each moment. Don't let the busy season steal your joy. Make it as peaceful and soothing as you can. You choose what is enjoyable, and keep Jesus in your hearts! "+"

Monday, November 9, 2015


Powerful lyrics..."I was covered in shame when He came for me, I couldn't run, couldn't run from His presence, couldn't run from His arms..." 
I hope you listen to this song and feel in your gut and heart how much God loves you!  
We are loved!!!
"Jesus Loves Me" – Love Ran Red Acoustic Sessions The new album LOVE RAN RED is available now! Like Chris Tomlin on ...

Friday, September 4, 2015


Check out my English/Spanish channel on YouTube smile emoticon 
You'll find wonderful and fun worship songs in English and Spanish as well as my interviews on radio and TV, plus short message videos! heart emoticon

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


If only we fed sweet things to each other all the time, instead of angry words. Right? But arguments are inevitable. The reason is because from time to time we'll have different opinions on a matter and disagree about them.

This picture was taken at our wedding in 1980. Since then we both have learned by trial and error. After thirty-five years of marriage we've learned a thing or two about how to resolve our disagreements quickly and effectively. I'm not a marriage counselor, but I've read many Christian books, articles, and attended Christian marriage conferences and seminars to learn about the art of oneness and communication.

When my husband and I need to discuss an important matter this is what we do:

1. Pray! We pray before our discussion. I also pray ahead of time for God to help me know what to say and what not to say. And also to prepare my husband's heart to receive well what I'm going to say. There were times I forgot to pray beforehand and the results were disastrous.

2. We set an appointment to meet in the living room without distractions.

3. We both sit down with soft music on the background. We've learned that it's not a good idea to stand in front of each other while arguing. Sitting down creates a non-threatening and relaxed atmosphere.

4. I tell my husband to relax and just to listen to me for the next five minutes without interrupting. I look at the clock to make sure I don't go over my time.

5. Then he talks for five minutes while I sit quietly making a great effort not to interrupt, and actively listen to what he has to say.

6. We use "I" messages instead of "You." For example, I say, "I feel neglected when you...instead of saying, "You neglect me when..." We learned that tool at a fun communication workshop years ago. It's better to express how your spouse's behavior makes you feel rather than accusing them, and causing them to act defensively.

7. The majority of the times we discovered we had misunderstood one another. Allowing each other to speak without interrupting is the key to understanding the situation at hand. Also by compromising we reach a fair scenario for both of us.

Most of the times we're done with our discussion in ten to fifteen minutes. Notice how I used the word, learn many times in this blog. It has been a process to learn how to communicate by utilizing the help of experts in communication and above all, seeking God's wisdom and protection in our prayers.

So pray for your marriage and take advantage of free Christian articles on communication at You can also invest in attending their fun and romantic marriage conferences called "A Weekend to Remember."

God bless you!

p.s. If you're not married yet, you can still apply some of these communication skills in your friendships and family situations.

heart emoticon Keep fighting for your marriage with God's strength and power!!! heart emoticon

I personally found the lyrics very touching. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

Monday, August 24, 2015


This time it's your turn! Tell me or post your favorite worship song in the comments."Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." - Psalm 150:6  Have a blessed week!

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." - Psalm 150:6

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Monday, August 17, 2015


Best way to start your week...pause, breathe deep, feel loved, and be blessed.

"I once was blind but now I see...Oh I can see you now...I can see the love in Your eyes...Amazing grace, how sweet the sound...I've been set free!"

Wishing you all a blessed week!!! :)

Title Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

PRAY, PRAY, PRAY FOR YOUR MARRIAGE!!! In the good, the bad and the ugly times...keep on praying!

Dear Readers,

I talked about the importance of dating and prioritizing your marriage in previous blogs. Well, prayer is your biggest weapon to defend your marriage.

The Bible tells us to pray at all times and in all circumstances. To pray without ceasing.

Ephesians 6:18

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Please do not let your guards down. Even though I love God and my husband very much, I don't stop asking the Lord to help me love Him and my husband more each day. And even though it is extremely hard to pray when you're angry at your spouse, it's crucial to pray for God to help you in the bad and ugly times of marriage. 
My prayer sometimes will go like this, "Lord, I'm so angry. I can't believe my husband told me that. Please soften my heart and also let him see what he is doing. Please protect our marriage, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen." Usually, during my prayer God will point to me the wrong things I said, too and helps me to be willing to receive my husband's apology when he says he's sorry. 

God will help you if you ask Him. My next blog will be, "How to argue effectively". 

May the Lord bless your marriage and keep it strong. Remember that His Word, the Bible, is a sword. Don't stop praying even when things are going smoothly and you're feeling happy. Keep asking God to protect your marriage and to keep it spiritually strong and healthy!

Thanks for reading :)

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Today I received an email with a wonderful PS from my editor, who is also a Professor at Epic Bible College, Vice President of Inspire Christian Writers and was a missionary in West Africa for many years. It said, "PS, obviously the Spirit has anointed you in leading Bible studies and has guided you in creating this Bible study book, including the testimonies. I'm glad Inspire Press gets to publish it."
Before I'd type a single word of my manuscript I asked God to anoint my hands, my fingers, my heart, and my mind to write His words. Anoint means to consecrate, set apart and to officially or formally choose (someone) to do or to be something. At times I doubted myself and wanted to stop writing. The Lord encouraged me by sending me many new friends from Inspire Christian Writers and other talented Christian Authors who lovingly helped me by critiquing and editing my book and endorsing it. Thank you, Lord for your great faithfulness in this journey! 

heart emoticon I thank you for all my friends and their great help. My hands glorify you, my Lord.heart emotico

Monday, August 3, 2015


This is how I know that God loves you...He gave His One and Only Son just for you! 

Jesus sacrificed his body because through His blood He forgave our sins and made us right with God. 

He offered His body so that those of us who believe in Him will have the free gift of eternal life through His perfect sacrifice.

Be blessed and once again know that you are loved beyond measure! He values YOU!!!


Hello dear blog readers, 

First of all I just want to say thank you for stopping by and reading my blogs. One day I hope to meet some of you in Heaven! My goal in sharing these blogs is to encourage you and inspire you as I'm doing now by sharing my Facebook Monday post. You are loved!!! 

MONDAY WORSHIP heart emoticon
When I saw the lamb toward the end of this video, I thought about the uproar it would cause if we saw the little lamb hanging on a cross bleeding to death. Some of us are so used to seeing the bleeding body of Jesus hanging on the cross with a crown of thorns that we don't stop to contemplate His amazing love and sacrifice. Today, please just pause a moment and think about how much He loves you and you might want to thank Him for dying such a cruel death out of love for you. 

This song is titled, "This is Amazing Grace." Toward the end of the video it says, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain" (Revelation 5:12). It shows a picture of a little innocent white lamb. The reason why Jesus is known as the Lamb of God is because in the Old Testament times, a lamb and other animals were sacrificed in order to obtain forgiveness of sins. When Jesus sacrificed His body on the cross, He was the ultimate sacrifice. No more animal sacrifices. He represented that pure innocent lamb.

Have a blessed week and know that you are loved beyond measure! 
heart emoticon

Worship or Lightly Esteem? In today's society, people have a mixed concept of worship. The biblical definition is "an act of honor, praise, and reverence of ...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


TUESDAY PROVERB heart emoticon

Adding some sparkle to your life and to your Blog wink emoticon 

May the Lord fill your heart with happiness! 

heart emoticon

Thursday, July 23, 2015


THURSDAY PSALM heart emoticon 

Waiting patiently for the Lord to act is so hard to do, but it is worth it! heart emoticon

God is never late to His promises. smile emoticon

Monday, July 20, 2015


MONDAY WORSHIP! heart emoticon "One way, Jesus, You are the only One that I could live for..."
"I lay my life down at Your feet Cause You're the only one I need I turn to You and You are always there In troubled times it's You I seek I put You first th...