Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Best Christmas Present Ever!!!


Today is December 24th. It's 11:35 a.m. in California. In a few hours all over the world, some people who celebrate Christmas will be opening gifts. If you believe Jesus is the Son of God and was sent by God to save us from our sins then you have already received and opened the greatest gift of all...Jesus Christ!

I say it's the best because it involves total forgiveness, salvation, hope, joy, peace and everlasting life. I wrote a book where I share about the great love of God as well as my journey with Him. I suffered from depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and fear in my mid-twenties. I had lost my faith in God. After studying the Word of God for twenty-four years, reading the entire Bible, and many questions and research, I finally discovered His unconditional love.

I learned that this precious gift is free. It can't be earned by good works and deeds. It is obtained by faith and grace alone. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."

If you say you are a good person and don't need to be saved, Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That's all of us! Have your ever lied, stolen something, had pride, envy, lust, hatred...God is Holy and I thank Him that He sent His only Son to become sin for us and take our punishment. The punishment for sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life." I can go on and on to try to explain salvation and eternal life to you through Scripture verses. I do this in my book, "How to Love God with All Your Heart - A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide," which is available on Amazon.

Today, if you want to open the best gift of all, on December 24th, all you need to do is admit that you're not good enough compared to a Holy and perfect God. If you are tired of living a life without hope then come to Him, just as you are. Confess your sins to Him. Through Jesus' death on the cross we have direct access to God in our prayers. Jesus is our Mediator. The Bible says that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, we will be saved (Romans 10:9). I invite you to say this prayer to receive your "free gift." The Word of God says that when you do, you cross from death to life (John 5:24), your name is written in the Book of Life (Revelation 3:5) and to those who believe they receive the gift of eternal life. John 3:16-17 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Here is your gift, but you must receive it or the gift will not have an owner. You can open this gift by saying this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I believe by faith that you are the Son of God
That you died for me on the cross
And that God raised you from the dead.

I repent of all my sins... even the ones that I have already forgotten.

I surrender to you!

I invite you to come into my heart
as my personal Lord and Savior.

Thank you for washing away all of my sins
and thank you for your gift of eternal life.

Please help me to follow you
and to do your will
all the days of my life!

It is in your Name, Lord Jesus that I pray. Amen!!!

Sign & Date

If you said this prayer, I welcome you into God's family. You may fail again, but now you have His Holy Spirit living inside of you, to guide you, protect you, and help you to resist temptation, if you ask Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

On my next blog, I will write more about His forgiveness, His love and His help in living the Christian life. We're not left alone or helpless. I'm praying for you!

(To be continued...)

p.s. If you said the prayer above or recommitted your life to Christ, please leave me your comments. God bless you!

Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas! :)


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