Sunday, December 25, 2016


I love Christmas lights! They sparkle, shine brightly and radiate so much beauty. How appropriate that to celebrate the birth of our Savior we light up our houses, buildings, streets and trees.
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.
God also wants us to light this world with His light. That light is JESUS!!! The Spirit of God, His Holy Spirit, resides in the heart of every Believer, the one who believes by faith that Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ, our Messiah.
Shine His light to the world so others can bring glory to the Father, our Heavenly Father!
Here is a cute video with a powerful message. Let's follow this advice. Shine in the dark places and let's make this a better world.

Friday, December 16, 2016



     Click here to go to my Amazon’s Author Page:

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Monday, November 28, 2016


Guadalupe C. Casillas
 shared a link.

Click below to open the section to print or share with your friends, which is included in my book, “How to Love God with All Your Heart” by Guadalupe C. Casillas. You have my permission…

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


I invite you to hear my testimony on a TV interview and Radio Interview and browse through my website at

May it bless you and encourage you!


Monday, August 29, 2016


Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. - Proverbs 16:3
The word commit means: to put into charge or trust : entrust. So let's entrust our plans to the Lord! 

And here is your song...

Bring your plans before the Lord, always. ❤️🎈

Monday, August 22, 2016


I want to thank you ALL for reading my blogs lately. It blesses me to see how many of you, in different parts of the world, are opening my blogs in English and Spanish to read about God!

In return I want to bless you by praying this blessing over you:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for each and every person that has visited my blog and read about You in this Internet location. I might not know them all personally, but You do. I ask You to please bless them abundantly in every area of their lives. Prosper them in everything they do. I pray that they will draw closer to Your heart of love. That they may come to know You better and feel your awesome Presence in their lives. Please comfort those who are hurting, whether it's physical or emotional pain. Protect them spiritually from the wickedness of this world. Guard them in all their ways. May they know how much You love them and care for them. Bless their relationships and their finances. Keep them close to You, dear Lord. I ask all these things in Jesus' precious name. Amen!

Some of you know that I've written a Bible study which is available on I'm attaching the link so you can read Chapter One. This chapter is about slowing down and experiencing the Presence of God in a delightful way. Get to know Jesus in a profound way and feel His love for you. In this book I share my personal experiences and doubts as well as the blessings of drawing close to our Savior. I know it will bless you to read more about it. Writing is not my career, I see it as a ministry to tell others what an amazing God we have!

How to Love God with All Your Heart: A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide 
by Guadalupe C. Casillas 

Highlight the link and right click to go to it. Click look inside the book, or search it on

Thank you again for reading my blogs. Be blessed in the name of Jesus!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Sharing part of Chapter 9 of my Bible study, How to Love God with All Your Heart - A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide.

I just tweeted this: "The Lord is GOOD no matter what's going on in our lives. As His children we have His total forgiveness, grace and salvation and that's GOOD!"

Available on AMAZON.COM

Enoy this worship song...get up and dance!!! :)

Get up and praise Him!!! This song makes me want to dance and praise God for His goodness to us!

Friday, June 3, 2016


trust in Jesus
Jesus wants to be your faithful, loving, trustworthy companion. Do you trust Him today? If you still have a difficult time trusting Jesus, that’s okay. It will take time. Begin by asking Him to increase your trust. I know it sounds too easy, but it’s a good place to start. God is faithful!
Who promises not to leave you or forsake you?
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” –Deuteronomy 31:8
No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. –Joshua 1:5
Excerpt from “How to Love God with All Your Heart – A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide” by Guadalupe C. Casillas

Friday, May 27, 2016


Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. ~ John 15:13
No greater love! You may be looking for love and happiness among your peers, friends or family. You may be looking for happiness in things that are temporary. But the truth is, “You are already loved!” Your Creator, Your Heavenly Father already loves you. And to prove it He gave His very life for you. 

We hear so much that God loves us that we don’t pause to really think about the magnitude of His great love. Today, receive His love with open arms. He already died for you, what more can He give you. Just receive and know that 

Close your eyes and listen to this song...You are so loved!

Be blessed!!!


Thursday, April 14, 2016


EnJOY toDAY, in other words, have JOY this DAY!!!

Delight in the simple pleasures of life like these wildflowers in the fields. Joy is not about being happy, it's about being content no matter your circumstances. If you don't have joy, ask God, the Giver of all good things, and He'll give it to you!

Keep on asking... :) Have a blessed day!!!

Friday, April 1, 2016


All things are possible with God!!!

What does it take to follow the greatest commandment of all-to love the Lord, our God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength? Join Guadalupe as she walks you through her conversational, personal journey in these twelve steps to discover the heart of God.

Here is a picture of me at our local bookstore, Face In A Book at our Town Center. You can also obtain a copy of my Bible study, "How To Love God with All Your Heart - A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide," at and other Online Bookstores around the world. I hope you go through my journey in this book and find the true joy I found in Jesus Christ. 

Be Blessed!!!

Saturday, March 26, 2016


This was our devotional reading this morning. My wonderful husband took a picture of it and shared it with our two sons. We read from this short devotional every Saturday. We then talk about it and pray together. This is how we fight to maintain our love strong and one of the ways we seek wisdom from the Lord.

From the devotional: Married For Life

heart emotic emoticon

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Sharing this Facebook post :)

This song helped me to wait for God's perfect timing as I'd pray for my husband to come back to church with me. It took twenty-two years, but for the last thirteen years my husband listens to the messages with me. We pray and read the Bible together almost every emoticon 
May the Lord bless you today with patience as you wait for His perfect time! Even though my wait was long, it was worth it. As a result I became closer to God in the waiting...

Monday, February 15, 2016


The only red letters included in my Bible study book were when I talked about Jesus being the Best Valentine ever!!!

We love because He first loved us! 

Check out my Bible study titled, "How to Love God with All Your Heart" by Guadalupe C. Casillas

There is no love like the love of Jesus

Perfect Love!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


When God gives you a task, He will be with you all the way! And this was the case when God called me to write a Bible study. I'll share with you how this came to be so you'll know that all the glory goes to Him.

This Bible study was a labor of love and an act of obedience. The thought of being a writer never entered my mind. This study was born out of a prayer I wrote in my journal in 2009. "Dear Lord, please bring me the crowds, the lost, I want to tell them about your great love."

Two weeks later at a women's retreat in Lake Tahoe, I asked God for something new. The something new did not come out of the mouth of the speaker, but out of my roommate's lips at the end of the retreat when the speaker was selling her devotional books.  My friend said to me, "Guadalupe, you should write a book!" I immediately said, "What? What makes you say that?" She said, "You have a lot to offer. You need to share all the experiences you have had with God, with others." Then the following week two friends from Bible study told me independently that I should write a book. I prayed and asked my husband. He said to get started. When he was in the middle of reading my manuscript, while on travel, he said that this book needed to go out and that he would support me in doing so. The study had impacted my husband.

When I was done writing all twelve chapters, I asked God to please help me publish the book. Two days later I received an email saying, "You don't know me, but I'm a friend of Michelle who is in your Bible study. She told me about your book. I'm going to a Christian Writer's Conference, would you like to come? I did. I found out that there was a critique group of Christian authors in my own town!

After attending conferences, and meetings for several months, I still needed a Publisher. I asked God in prayer to send me help again. I had a coffee meeting with the President of Inspire Christian Writers to tell her that I was stuck and needed a publisher for my study. Toward the end she told me that they had just started publishing books through Inspire Press, and that she was giving approval for my book to be published by them!

The icing on the cake was that my editor was not only a book author himself, but had been a missionary in Africa and currently a Bible professor at a Bible College. When he finished editing my book he wrote a wonderful P.S. note, which I asked for his permission to share. He stated, "PS, Obviously the Spirit has anointed you in leading Bible studies and has guided you in creating this Bible study book, including the testimonies. I'm glad Inspire Press gets to publish it."

So when God gives you a task, He will be with you all the way!

I pray you'll get a hold of a copy over the internet, because I know this Bible study, about the greatest commandment, will bless you. It will be as if I'm sitting with you sharing my heart for the Lord and the amazing things God has done in my life.

The name of my Bible study is: "How To Love God with All Your Heart - A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide" By Guadalupe C. Casillas.

Here is the link on

May you be blessed as you continue to draw closer to God's heart of LOVE!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Dear blog readers,

Some of you know that I recently published my Bible study, "How to Love God with All Your Heart," and I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much. Just to make it up to you guys, I'm including pages of my new Bible study from my first chapter, "Slow Down & Make It Fun!" 

So here you and have fun! I'm also including a YouTube video I created with beautiful scenery from Cancun, Mexico. All the pictures included in my Bible study were also taken in Cancun :) Enjoy!

You can find my book at and in paperback or kindle. 

Abundant blessings to all of you!

Guadalupe C. Casillas :)

Friday, January 22, 2016


Sooo happy! :)smile emoticon

I uploaded my eBook on Amazon two days ago and 1 person from the UK already ordered a copy! What I'm so happy about, it's not the sale, is that this person took the step to read my Bible study and is already drawing nearer to the heart of God in learning how to love Him with all of his or her heart!!!

You can order a copy of my Bible study on paperback or on eBook on Amazon Kindle, here!

Blessings, my dear friends! Be blessed :)

heart emoticon

Monday, January 18, 2016



Do you want to browse through the inside pages of my Bible Study? Click on the link here below, and it will take you to the Amazon site. Then you can click on the top right of the book where it says, “Look inside.” You’ll be able to read the Contents page, part of Chapter One, and a little bit more… :)
How to Love God with All Your Heart: A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide ~