Saturday, March 26, 2016


This was our devotional reading this morning. My wonderful husband took a picture of it and shared it with our two sons. We read from this short devotional every Saturday. We then talk about it and pray together. This is how we fight to maintain our love strong and one of the ways we seek wisdom from the Lord.

From the devotional: Married For Life

heart emotic emoticon

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016


Sharing this Facebook post :)

This song helped me to wait for God's perfect timing as I'd pray for my husband to come back to church with me. It took twenty-two years, but for the last thirteen years my husband listens to the messages with me. We pray and read the Bible together almost every emoticon 
May the Lord bless you today with patience as you wait for His perfect time! Even though my wait was long, it was worth it. As a result I became closer to God in the waiting...