Wednesday, May 13, 2015


This picture is not very clear. It's a bit distorted. So is Satan. He is a deceiver and loves to twist the truth. There are a few people out there who do not believe that Satan is real. They don't know about the havoc he can cause.

Here is an excerpt from my book...

"The devil’s job is to deceive. But in the end, he’ll be thrown into the Lake of Fire as it says in Revelation 20:10, “And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, we know Satan will be put away forever.

A Christian friend told me she was glad to read in a Christian book that Hell doesn’t exist. I cautioned her about some so-called “Christian books” and to check for endorsements given only by credible and strong Christian leaders. I pointed her to what the Word of God says about Hell. Ultimately, the Bible should be our first point of reference. 

My dad once heard a guest preacher say that Satan wasn’t real. He stood up and said, “Forgive me, brother, for interrupting, but what you’re saying is not biblical.” The preacher kept on. After a few minutes my dad got up and walked out. Well done, daddy! We need to stand for truth and not let people deceive us.

How can God be seen as a cruel God when He came down to earth in human form, through the person of Jesus Christ, to die for us? Jesus took our punishment to reconcile us to God, so we can live eternally with Him. He conquered the grave. Through His loving and sacrificial act, those of us who have put our faith in Him have victory over Satan."  (How to Love God with All Your Heart" ~ A Personal Journey & Testimonial Bible Study Guide - Copyright 2015)

Satan is real according to the Scriptures, but he is also a defeated enemy. When the Lord Jesus died on the cross for us, he defeated death and the power of sin. 

Jesus is not only our Mediator, but our Redeemer. We have everlasting life in Heaven thanks to Jesus' sacrifice for us when He offered His life as an ultimate sacrifice. And that is why I write about Him and I'm passionate about Him!

Beware of false teachings. Examine the Word of God and experience God's love and forgiveness!

Worship video with lyrics. I produced several videos for use in my small group. I pray that this video will not only bless you, but bring Glory to the Lord. ...

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